Accelerator(s) for Tooth Movement
Among the many benefits of the revolutionary Acceledontics™ program developed and offered here at The Super Dentists is its unparalleled speed when it comes to straightening teeth. Many patients complete care in just a few months and emerge with a beautiful, transformed smile. One of the ways that Acceledontics can achieve a permanently-straightened smile in such an impressively-short timeframe is through the use of orthodontic accelerators. Relatively new in the orthodontic world, accelerators are appliances that facilitate accelerated orthodontic tooth movement through vibration, light or micro-osteoperforation. Put simply, accelerators help Acceledontics braces move teeth quickly.
Here at The Super Dentists, we are committed to providing quality care for each of our patients. That’s why we use only the industry’s best FDA-cleared accelerators in our Acceledontics program. Read on to learn more about our accelerators’ their many benefits and fill out our online form to schedule a complimentary orthodontic consultation with The Super Dentists’ team today!
Reduce Orthodontic Treatment Time with FDA-Cleared Accelerators
The benefits of braces are impossible to deny. These widely-used orthodontic devices are an excellent way to achieve an ideal bite and a perfectly-straight smile. That being said, the question every new braces patient asks is: “how long will I have to wear these things?” With the Acceledontics technique of using accelerated orthodontic tooth movement via special devices called accelerators, the answer is shorter than you might think.
Accelerators are devices designed to work in tandem with braces to speed up the teeth-straightening process. Some accelerators utilize micro-osteoperforation to create small pinhole openings (or perforations) in the bone around the teeth to accelerate tooth movement during orthodontic treatment. Others utilize vibration and light to move teeth and tissue in order to accelerate tooth movement. At The Super Dentists, we use only FDA-approved accelerators to ensure safe, efficient and effective tooth movement for our patients.
Your Accelerators: What to Expect
Upon performing a comprehensive oral examination and fitting you for AAdvance braces and auxiliary devices, our orthodontists here at The Super Dentists will begin the acceleration process using one of several orthodontic accelerators we have available at our offices. Your individual tooth structure will determine which accelerators will be most effective, and our orthodontists will build a tooth acceleration plan that will yield the best results for you.
One method of acceleration requires a small surgical procedure to create the small perforations that facilitate faster tooth movement during orthodontic treatment. This procedure is painless and can be performed by an oral surgeon in our office in well under an hour. Data shows that this procedure can cut time spent in braces by as much as 50 percent.
Unlike this surgical method, we provide another that does not require surgery. Instead, this other method of acceleration is achieved using a portable orthodontic vibration device that patients can use at home. This device administers a directed micro-pulses that encourage bone growth and helps the teeth move faster. Using this completely pain-free device for 20 minutes each night can shave months off your total time in braces.
Experience the Difference: An Accelerated, All-New Orthodontic Treatment for Teens and Adults
The use of FDA-approved accelerators to speed up tooth movement and ensure permanently straight teeth is just another reason why Acceledontics™ is the premier orthodontic treatment available today. Together with AAdvance braces and auxiliary devices, the accelerators used in the Acceledontics system increase efficiency, effectiveness and comfort during orthodontic treatment in ways that other more traditional treatment methods do not. If you are searching for a new orthodontic treatment that’s both faster and yields better results than traditional braces and Invisalign, Acceledontics may be the perfect fit for you.
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation
Want to learn more about accelerated orthodontic tooth movement with acceleration devices? Ready to give Acceledontics a try? Explore our website for more information on Acceledontics and orthodontic accelerators, and fill out our online form to schedule your complimentary consultation from our professionals at The Super Dentists: the creators and sole providers of the revolutionary Acceledontics system.